
Sunday, August 31, 2008


In this month, all vanities are shed and the cloak of salvation is donned

In this month, we repent of our sins and pray for eternal salvation

In this month, we try to steer clear of anything that soils the angelic halo hovering over our heads.(sin)

In this month it is believed that the doors of heaven are open

and that of hell is closed and hence blessings rain down on all and sundry.

This month is the equivalent of the christian lent which ends with easter,

the end of this month is when grains are measured and giving out to the needy in Allah's name and the celebration that follows is called EID EL-FITR.

In this month, we reinforce our faith and belief in Allah and his teachings.

In this month, we be our brother's keepers, feed the hungry, cloth the naked and give the needy.

in this month, we pray, fast and be holy in hopes that we are blessed by Allah and forgiven of all our trespasses.

In the spirit of ramadan, I say RAMADAN KAREEM.


Anonymous said...

Asalam Alaikum, My Sister!

I'm what u call kaferi but am still ur bro yea?

zara (my alter ego) said...

of course my dear chari! lol alaikum salam to u too!

Rita said...

I never knew this is what Ramadan is about... This is enlightening...

miz-cynic said...

hi.yay ma muslim sista.ramadan kareem.chari so ur a temptd 2 ask wts ur muslim name.i dnt do d 5 daily prayas religiously but i do fast-saum rite?chari u can start frm somwhr,dnt cal urslf a kaferi.also sis i tnk its eid kabir dat u kil ram...abraham and all.

Buttercup said...

i also ddnt know..


zara (my alter ego) said...

@ rita.. am glad i cud be of help
@ miz-cynic.. yeah i just realised that.. am gonna go ASAP and make the proper adjustments.. thanx
@ buttercup... am honored i was the one to enlighten u.. albeit how very little that is here.. thanx!

misspumping said...

Thats right sister salam alaikum

thinking of giving blogville a rest during ramadan but it is so adictive.

just wanting to know whats up with other pples lives so sad

in this side our fasts starts at past fourish and ends eightish e no easy o

zara (my alter ego) said...

@ miss pumping.. yeah i agree it is addictive.. my fast starts at four-ish and ends 7:15 or so.. its not so bad.. but it wud get better cos summer is fast leaving.. ramadan kareem to u!

TY Tha Mos Magnificent said...

funny i di never occured to me that you are a muslim. Keep the faith sista

ibiluv said...

May Allah accept our fast as an act of Ibadah.......

Ramadan Kareem

zara (my alter ego) said...

@ ty realli.. hmm i guess it wudnt occur to most people..
@ ibiluv.. amin!

Anonymous said...

Sorry im not a moslem but i noticed that people here say Ramadam Mubarak and in 9ja is Ramadan Karim, guess they mean the same thing?

zara (my alter ego) said...

@sprezatura.. u can use them interchangeably, they both mean have a blessed ramadan. ramadan being the 9th month in the islamic calender which the fast is observed and kareem meaning beneficient or generous while mubarak means blessed.. so it cud be translated to mean have a beneficient ramadan or have a blessed ramadan... thanx for stopping by...

Jay said...

Ramadan mubarak sister zara...